
Showing posts from May, 2008

Unobtrusive JavaScript: I am a convert

Before I talk about Unobstrsive Javascript, let me give some background on my relationship with javascript. When I started learning web application development, I wasnt new to development, i came from Desktop Java and C++ MFC development. I was introduced to technologies such as Servlets, XML, XSTL, HTML, (early) CSS, and of course Javascript. The first thing I learned about Javascript was not to use it. Enter Unobtrusive JavaScript I am now sold on using javascript, but Unobtrusively. I think that this is one of the best web development methodologies that I have seen in a few years. I am already spinning from the AJAX shock, and coming to terms with Javascript as a first class language. But I could not shake the feeling that javascript is secondary, not primary to web development. Unobtrusive JavaScript (as well as AJAX) as made me see javascript for what is really is, a very powerful and useful first class higher level langauge. First class, meaning it stands along ...